January 19, 2017
Meeting was called to order by President Jon Putnam at 7:40pm.
Reminder to sign the book in the bar when ordering drinks.
Secretary’s Report: Accepted.
Membership: 1 membership a day is what is coming in on an average, expected to slow down as we get further into the ski season.
Monday Night Racing: after 4 weeks we are behind Mountain Laurel Ski Club by 35 points. If we could get a few more skiers out we could move into first place. We have had a few new racers join us and they’ve enjoyed the race and pizza.
Kid’s Day: January 22, 2017 Mt. Southington. It’s filled to maximum 100 signed up.
CSC CT Senior Games: February 14, 2017 at Ski Sundown, sign up at Ski Sundown website. Lunch included, but they are looking for volunteers to help.
Soup Stew and Chili Night: Thursday February 16, 2017. Ted Rogala will coordinate, will plan at the next meeting. Members are asked to bring Soup, Stew, Chili, salad or dessert.
Club Race Day: Magic Mountain February 18, 2017. $59 includes racing fee and lunch. Bands starting at 3pm and a fundraiser event later, some members are staying overnight to enjoy the evening
On Snow: March 2-4, 2017 at Loon Mountain, NH. Ron Kapraszewski reported 36-40 members going to date. The lodging most are staying at is booked, but Ron has other lodging available, contact him if interested. Jon Putnam and Glenn Johnson checked out the race hill and said it is great and has a nice pitch. CSC needs volunteers, see CSC website to sign up to volunteer.
Sugarloaf Ski Trip: March 12, 2017-March 17, 2017, Booked 26 going, if you want to fill another condo see John Hunter. Mountain Laurel Ski Club has a cancellation for their Sunday River trip, see John Hunter.
Tuckerman’s Ravine NSC: April 1, 2017. Jon Putnam is organizing a ski weekend, Tuckerman’s on the best weather day and skiing the 2nd day at one of the area resorts. Jon has films of Tuckerman’s, fun to hike or ski the lower part.
Bulk Tickets: See John Hunter if you have extra Okemo tickets, people are looking to buy, he has 2 super sr. tickets for sale to Okemo-70 plus.
CSC Meeting:Jon Putnam reported only 1buy next year for bulk tickets. The CSC tracks tickets for misuse. Joy Dutra is the CSC Ambassador. Jon Filakowsky asked that clubs use the link to the CSC website for awareness days as some clubs had preliminary awareness dates posted which were not accurate. Our website has the correct final version. Powder Ridge gives a 20% discount to CSC council members for lift tickets. They are planning an artificial surface for year round skiing. Their restaurant could be a location for a social meeting. Jon will check into it. On-Snow waivers are on the CSC website. There will be a race clinic at On Snow $40, CSC pays $20 toward the clinic.
NEW BUSINESS: Ascutney has double pole Slalom racing on Thursday nights .Ski Sundown has NASTAR racing Thursday nights and Sundays 2-5 unlimited runs included in the lift ticket.
Check Mt. Southington before go to the area Monday night due to rain, may be cancelled.
See John Hunter if interested in a NSC trip to Big Sky next March. Cost would be about $2000 with airfare.
Lorraine Hughes reported the Pete Noyes Scholarship benefit drawing for the quilt and the McCostis fundraising event will be February 18, 2017.See Lorraine or Joanie for details, $25 is the cost to attend, should be a fun event.
Our ski club member Harriett Epstein broke her leg. Ted Rogala has a house to rent reasonable rate by Okemo.
Non-Profit status, still waiting for approval takes up to 180 days.
50/50 Raffle: Ted Rogala won $11., meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Submitted by:
Lisa Day-Co-Secretary Marilyn Pearson-Co-Secretary